Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Logan is 1 month old!

Here is a picture of Logan on his 1 month birthday. Now most of the pictures I take of him have his eyes open. That's a good sign! He is growing well. He was 9 lbs 3 ounces on Monday at his appointment. He is smiling, cooing, tracking objects, and holding his head up very well. The pediatrician was even impressed with his neck strength.

How cute is he?!?! This was what Logan wore to church on Sunday. We usually go to church on Saturday night, but this week we went on Sunday morning. I decided to get him dressed up. The shirt and vest were given to us from Justin's cousin, Jenelle. Her son Caleb wore them for this past Easter.

Since both my boys were dressed up, I took a picture of them together. Aren't they so cute? Logan was waving to me (or trying to shield his eyes from the bright sun)!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


While I have some time (as Logan is sleeping), I figured I would post some pictures of the proud grandparents! In order, the pictures are: My mom, My dad, Justin and his dad, Justin's mom, My Grammy, My grandpa.

My doula

Here is a picture of TJ who was my doula for Logan's birth. She was amazing! I'm not sure I would have been able to have such a good labor, without any drugs if she were not there. She was so encouraging, especially through the 8 hours when I was stuck at 7cm and getting very tired. The other picture I just threw in because I think it's cute and shows that Logan is getting bigger every day. Tomorrow he will be 4 weeks. My how fast the time is going! But, I am loving every minute. Logan is starting to smile at us - not just the gassy smiles. The other day while I was nursing him he looked up at me and gave me a huge smile. It made the prior night of his crying (from an upset tummy) worth it! Hopefully soon I'll be able to catch his smile on camera as I think it's just adorable :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Logan at 2 1/2 weeks old

Logan has already changed so much. He's looking more like a little boy than a newborn. The first picture is of Logan with his cousin Alex. Aren't they adorable together?

One week old pictures

We took Logan to JCPenney's to get his 1 week old pictures taken. Our appointment was for 12:00, but we didn't get in until 1:15. By then he was ready to eat again, so he cried through most of the session. However, we were still able to get some cute shots.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Logan's first bath

Logan had his first bath yesterday. We were expecting him to hate it. But, in keeping with his chill personality, he just took in his surroundings in style. He only started crying after we got him out and started drying him off. I guess he got a little cold then.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pictures of Logan

So the big day finally arrived! Logan Marshall was born June 26, 2008 at 9:34AM. He weighed in at 7lbs and was 19 inches long. I had a really good labor with no complications at all. Now of course we are biased, but I do believe this is the cutest baby ever :) He is such a good baby too. He is eating and sleeping so well. He is not a fussy baby and I hope that continues. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do.
