Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween and Family Portraits

We went to JC Penney's (again) for some more portraits. Our friend Stacey is working there (it was a surprise to me when I showed up). So, she took the pictures. I've realized the more mobile the child is, the harder it is to get good pictures. But, these ones still turned out pretty cute. He's going to be an elephant for Halloween. Since I already had the costume, I decided to get some pictures of him in it.
In other news, he took his first steps a little over a week ago. He was walking back and forth between Justin and I - up to 6 steps at a time. I've tried since then to get it on film, but he refuses to walk between us any more. I assume one day he'll just start back up again and take off around the house. I guess I'll have to wait until then to get it on film.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The first art project

I gave Logan a paper and some crayons the other day and he enjoyed drawing. Since it's the first (of I'm sure MANY), I decided to scan it in and share it with you. Plus, then I don't have to keep the original paper :) I'm sure only I (and maybe the grandparents) will appreciate, but that's okay :)
