Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm back and ready to post!

So, tax season went really well, but I didn't have many opportunites to sit and blog. Now that I have another season under my belt, I'm ready to show Logan off again. I'll start out with the most recent pictures - his 9 month pictures. I decided to get in some of the pictures. They day was not a great one as he refused to go down for his nap early and then was not the least bit happy when I woke him up 1/2 hour after he fell asleep to go get the pictures done. But, again, I'm impressed with JC Penney and their abilities to take good pictures. You can't tell at all from these shots, but he cried through a lot of the session and basically refused to smile at all. The pictures of him by himself were the hardest. I had to feed him puffs to get him to stop crying...hence the fingers in his mouth - he was feeding himself.

Next comes Easter. It was really difficult trying to find an Easter outfit for Logan. (I'm sure it diden't help that I waited until the day before!) However, we looked at a couple stores and they had no boy Easter outfits - only dresses for little girls. I ended up getting this outfit which definitely worked, but was not what I had in mind. Grandma Mary bought him the bunny for Easter.
We went to the park for a play date with the Mommies group from church. I love the picture of Logan on the play equipment!

One Sunday morning as I was clipping coupons, Logan was "reading" the paper. In typical male fashion, he decided to take a potty break at the same time! See the concentration!This is a toy that my parents got Logan for Christmas. He can't get on it himself yet, but he does like to sit on it and play with the moving parts.
I should be fairly well caught up now for pictures. I'm working on some video next!
