Next comes Easter. It was really difficult trying to find an Easter outfit for Logan. (I'm sure it diden't help that I waited until the day before!) However, we looked at a couple stores and they had no boy Easter outfits - only dresses for little girls. I ended up getting this outfit which definitely worked, but was not what I had in mind. Grandma Mary bought him the bunny for Easter.

I should be fairly well caught up now for pictures. I'm working on some video next!
LOL, That's too funny! Nathan's 3 month pictures at Sears were very similar to that! ;) I can't believe how much Logan looks like you. I've got a few pics of us as babies and man...it's like looking at a male version of you, hehe! So glad I finally got to meet him. Maybe next time I can get to hold him ;)
Ps...Hope you guys can make it to the reunion! We'll be there the whole weekend and I would love for our babies to meet! ;)
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