Logan's first Thanksgiving was also my first Thanksgiving that I was in charge of the meal. I was pretty proud of my turkey...and the rest of the dinner for that matter (well, except the stuffing that I burned. My dad called it Cajun stuffing since it had a charred, smoky flavor to it!) I did not remember to take a picture of the turkey until it was already being cut, but at least it was mostly in tact!
Logan loved meeting his Uncle Chad and Auntie Stacey!
Here are a couple pictures of everyone eating. Our table, when it has the extra leaf in it, is pretty long so we were all able to fit around. There were 10 of us (including Logan) - Justin's parents, Justin's sister & brother-in-law, my parents, and my grandpa all joined us for the feast!
My dad thought it would be a great idea to give Logan a mouth full of sweet potatoes while I wasn't looking. Justin gently nudged me to get my attention. This is the face I found! He actually liked them quite a bit - who wouldn't like sugary carbohydrates?
As soon as dinner was over, Rick, Chad, and my grandpa passed out on the couch! I did take a picture of Logan in a bib Justin's mom bought that said "My First Thanksgiving", however it must have been deleted because it didn't get uploaded from my camera to my computer :(
Since we will be with my family for Christmas, we decided to do a Smith family Christmas the day after Thanksgiving (which was also Justin's birthday). Here are Stacey & Chad opening gifts.
Rick with his West Marine gift card.
Mary looking through her Joy of Cardmaking book.

Chad modeling his North Face jacket.
Stacey showing off the leg warmers she bought Logan. Note Justin's face - he's not thrilled about the whole thing, especially since the package noted one use as dance leggings!
This is how Logan spent the first part of his first Christmas. He was actually supposed to be in bed, but with all the disruptions, he was having a hard time sleeping that weekend. So, he got to watch up open gifts until he fell asleep in the swing.

We had such a great time with the family during Thanksgiving and Christmas #1!
1 comment:
I love the shirt that says my dads a geek. I need to get something like that for Nathan, joel would love it!
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